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Washingoton D.C.


Sunday, January 20, 2019

AWFUL! Catholic Pro-Life Kids May Be Expelled After Media Lied and Doxxed Them Over Harassment by Black Racists and Native American Activist

AWFUL! Catholic Pro-Life Kids May Be Expelled
After Media Lied and Doxxed Them Over Harassment by Black Racists and
Native American Activist

Do Not Be Fooled–

The radical left and their lynch mob media want this for your kids too!

They will dox, threaten, destroy any child without hesitation or facts.

BuzzFeed and the hateful left-wing media is at it again — these MAGA teens were doxxed and are now in fear for their lives! 

On Friday, a group of high school boys from Kentucky went to the Lincoln Memorial after attending the March For Life.

While standing at the memorial a Native American activist, Nathan Phillips, approached the boys and started harassing them

Phillips, reportedly a Vietnam veteran, got up in one boy’s face and
started screaming and beating his drum inches from the boy’s face.

Phillips also has a history of setting up similar incidents.

According to one of the high school boys who was present, a group of
black men were taunting the Trump supporters, calling them “shooters”
and “crackers” and said the white kids “had everything given to them by
their parents.”

According to a witness, it was at this point that a Native American man showed up “out of nowhere” and began drumming in the high school kid’s face.

weren’t even chanting at him, we were chanting at the African American
guy, but obviously social media made us look bad to get views and
stuff,” a witness said.

Video of the black men harassing the teenage Trump supporters:

Video shows the children were not chanting, “Build the wall!” as Nathan reported.

The media isn’t interested in facts — they want to push their left wing agenda so they doxxed the high school kids.

The high school boy was doxxed by the liberal fascist mob.

The children have received death threats by violent leftists following this incident.

On Saturday one of the Catholic boys wrote the local radio station in Kentucky and BEGGED the station to report the truth and not join the far left media lynch mob.

Now this…

Several of the pro-life boys are not only receiving death threats but may be expelled over the lies of the liberal media.

Via Jack Posobiec:

The Hill (who continues to misrepresent this incident) reported:

A Catholic archdiocese is reportedly considering taking
disciplinary action against some of its high school students after they
were captured in a video harassing a Native American troupe during the
Indigenous Peoples March Friday.

NBC News reported that the Diocese of Covington condemned some of its
students that attend Covington Catholic High School in Covington, Ky.,
after they were seen surrounding and taunting the troupe.

Laura Keener, a spokeswoman for the archdiocese, specifically
addressed the students’ actions towards Nathan Phillips, an Omaha elder
who was surrounded by the teens as he beat a drum and sang during the
march, and condemned them for their behavior towards “Native Americans
in general” in a statement seen by the news agency.


“We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students
towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general,
Jan. 18, after the March for Life, in Washington, D.C.,” the statement