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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

WH Economist Proves Trump Reversed Obama’s Disastrous Economic Policies


Graphs depicting Obama's economic failures suddenly reverse after Trump elected

By Monday, September 10, 2018

Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers Kevin Hassett set the record straight regarding Trump’s positive effect on the economy during Monday’s White House press briefing.

He said, “I can promise you that economic historians will 100 percent accept the fact” that Trump is responsible for the economic growth seen since his election.

 CBS News


White House press briefing begins with chief economic adviser Kevin Hassett showing charts about economic growth, says historians will "100 percent accept the fact" that economy improved after Donald Trump's election …

11:39 AM - Sep 10, 2018

Hassett went on to present graphs highlighting Obama’s tanking economy compared to the drastic rebound attributed to Trump’s America First policies.

 The White House


President @realDonaldTrump has delivered an economic turnaround following the weak trends of the previous Administration.
More from @WhiteHouseCEA:

12:28 PM - Sep 10, 2018

Knocking Obama’s claim that he started the economic recovery, Hassett said, “If you look at the collective body of evidence, the notion that what we’re seeing right now is just a continuation of trends is not super defensible.”

Below is a clip of Alex Jones dissecting Obama’s speech where he attempted to take credit for Trump’s thriving economy:

Watch the full Hassett press briefing below and read the full transcript here: