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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Judge Kavanaugh’s remarkable career

1600 daily

The White House • September 4, 2018

In photos: Judge Kavanaugh’s remarkable career

Today, Judge Brett Kavanaugh appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee for the beginning of his confirmation hearing for the U.S. Supreme Court. Predictably, Democrats attempted to thwart even holding a hearing on the Judge’s nomination, rather than focusing on his record.

It’s easy to see why: Judge Kavanaugh has a long, clear history as an independent and impartial arbiter of the law. He ruled against the Republican National Committee in one campaign-finance case and in favor of a liberal pro-choice group, Emily’s List, in another. He has ruled in favor of environmentalist plaintiffs in some cases and in favor of Western landowners and coal miners in others.

He bases his rulings on the law—not politics, policy, or identity. Despite being appointed by a Republican President, Judge Kavanaugh ruled at least 23 times against Bush Administration agencies from 2006 to 2008. As a professional, he has been a leader in promoting racial equality and advancing minorities in the workplace, writing an important law review article about ending racial discrimination in jury selection.

The Judge’s critics know all of this, which is why they’re talking about politics instead of Judge Kavanaugh’s credentials. But by the end of this week’s testimony, Americans will know the real story of his exceptional career in public service.

A remarkable career in photos: Judge Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate.

Get the facts: Judge Kavanaugh is among the most qualified nominees in history.

In their words: ‘A faithful servant’

Senators from both parties told the White House they wanted to see a real judge nominated with outstanding credentials—one who will respect precedent. Judge Kavanaugh is all of that and more.

That much is evident from the broad support he has received from every corner of American life he has touched. Letters of support have poured into the Senate from Judge Kavanaugh’s former law clerks, parents from his daughter’s youth basketball team, legal scholars, and many more groups and individuals.

“Judge Kavanaugh is an outstanding jurist with a proven commitment to upholding the Constitution and the rule of law,” a majority of America’s state Attorneys General write. “We have no doubt that he possesses the qualifications, temperament, and judicial philosophy to be an excellent Associate Justice.”

Learn more about Judge Kavanaugh from the people who know him best.

Photo of the Day


Brett M. Kavanaugh is sworn in to the D.C. Circuit Court by Justice Anthony Kennedy

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