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Friday, September 7, 2018

BuzzFeed Writer Admits Lobbying Twitter to Ban Alex Jones

BuzzFeed Writer Admits Lobbying Twitter to Ban Alex Jones: Charlie Warzel flagged 'offensive' video and Twitter terminated Jones' account

BuzzFeed Writer Admits Lobbying Twitter to Ban Alex Jones

Charlie Warzel flagged ‘offensive’ video and Twitter terminated Jones’ account

BuzzFeed senior technology writer Charlie Warzel admitted
that he lobbied Twitter to ban Alex Jones and got his wish shortly

Jones was permanently banned by Twitter yesterday for being mean to
CNN’s senior media reporter Oliver Darcy during a confrontation in
Washington, DC.

“I reached out to twitter — independently of anyone — to inquire
about one of yesterday’s tweets from AJ,” tweeted Warzel, adding that he
“eventually got a response.”

this won’t be met w/ good faith but there are some out there who might
just be confused. tweets like one below suggest something nefarious.
here was my process. i reached out to twitter — independently of anyone —
to inquire about one of yesterday’s tweets from AJ.

got a response but had to agree to an embargo (an incredibly standard
journalistic practice for a national news story with lots of interest)
most journos accept begrudgingly bc its better to have the info than

This could only have been the video in which Jones confronts Darcy, the video that got him banned.

Twitter then informed Warzel they were going to ban Jones and made him agree to an embargo before reporting the news.

In other words, Warzel abused his platform to pressure Twitter into terminating Jones’ account and they duly complied.

This is yet another example of a mainstream media corporation lobbying Big Tech to have its competition shut down.

Warzel is another journalist who has a creepy obsession with Alex Jones and has been following him around for over a year.

His behavior mirrors that of Oliver Darcy, who relentlessly lobbied
YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to ban Jones for over 6 months before it

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