NESARA Ad Trucks

NESARA Ad Trucks
Washingoton D.C.


Saturday, September 1, 2018

BREAKING: Constitutional Conservative Candidate Invited to Speak, Gets “KICKED OUT” at Door

BREAKING: Constitutional Conservative Candidate Invited to Speak, Gets “KICKED OUT” at Door

August 31, 2018 by Tami Terusa

clark 2

On August 29th, 2018 Candidate Johnny Nalbandian (R), running for the 28th Congressional District in California against Adam Schiff, arrived at 8:00am with his Campaign Manager, Tristan Mouradian, for a prescheduled event at Clark Magnet High School. This was an event which he was specifically invited to by the teacher of  the Senior AP Government Class to speak about volunteer opportunities and the election process. These were the teacher’s extra credit assignments to get Senior voters involved in the act of volunteering and to gain knowledge of the election process. Tristan, an alumnus of Clark Magnet High said during his time there he enjoyed those events, he also  appreciated what he had learned and now puts into practice. The teacher had also reached out to Congressman Adam Schiff to speak but had not received a call back.

Upon arrival in Johnny’s ‘Victory Red USA 1st Campaign Machine’, they pulled up to Clark Magnet High School in the Glendale Unified School District.

Johnny J. Nalbandian's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Image may contain: car

While exiting their van, Johnny and team  noticed there were two people who appeared to be waiting for them and speaking as if they did not want to be heard.  Tristan recognized them as the Principal and Vice-Principal of Clark Magnet High.  Johnny’s team introduced themselves and the Principal  asked why they were here, to which they readily explained.  She then, rather rudely, told them to go to  a door she pointed at and instructed them to sign in.  After doing so, Johnny and team were greeted by a Senior student who was to escort them to the AP Government class.

It was at that point that things got weird.  According to Johnny and his team, before they could even take a few steps the Principal stopped them and ordered them into her office shouting  “No, no, no, come to my office!”.  She proceeded to explain  “We cannot have you speak because it is against our rules, our boss told us you are not allowed to talk today.”  Then adding her own excuse of  “no political soliciting.”

Johnny asked “This wouldn’t have anything to do with me being a Constitutional Conservative would it?”

The Principal replied “No sir, it has nothing to do with your political ideology”

Again Johnny asked “Are you sure this has nothing to do with my being a Conservative?”

The Principal again in a parroted tone repeated “No sir, it has nothing to do with your political ideology.”

Johnny then respectfully followed the rules, packed up and left.

The incident could’ve been chalked up to a poorly informed administrator of public schools responsibility to the public except for what transpired shortly after.

It was learned within hours that the Principal of Clark Magnet High School was part of an organization whose purpose is supporting Adam Schiff in his political career. In fact she was named “Woman Of The Year” by Adam Schiff in 2017.


Tristan Mouradian‏ @MouradianT

The question of election interference has come up. I will share that the principal of this school received the “woman of the year award” from @AdamSchiffCA as pictured below. She also seems to have ties to an organization that actively promotes Schiff.


In addition there are City Council and School Board members who also reside within this organization to support Schiff.  One of these is Board Member Shant Sahakian who had this to say about a speech Adam Schiff gave at another local school in the Glendale Unified School District a few miles away just three days earlier.

Thank you Congressman Adam Schiff for visiting Daily High School and sharing words of wisdom with our students!

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Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor


So it became increasingly suspect that Johnny’s event was shutdown  apparently in the same school district where Adam Schiff was welcomed and idealized within three days of each other. Coincidence? Or is it another attack on a Conservative Candidate designed to silence their voice? What information are they feeding your children and what information aren’t they getting?

In the words of Tristan Mouradian:


Tristan Mouradian

August 29 at 10:02 PM ·


I never thought the day would come when the High School that I am a proud alumni of would have me and my colleague congressional candidate Johnny J. Nalbandian told to leave campus after being invited as guest speakers with no real or valid excuse. We were going to speak to the AP government students about the experience of being in a political race and the challenges that grassroots candidates go through as well as potential volunteer opportunities for the youth to get involved should they choose to. Though assured it was not the case I fear that our constitutional conservative ideology could have been a factor. I hope this was not the case. If our opponent Adam Schiff or his campaign is ever allowed to speak to students the true reason will become clear. I spent many hours outside of class working on our film projects which were used to bring funding to programs. Putting it lightly, this was very disappointing and quite frankly, embarrassing.

I am not going say names because know I you’re reading this.

-Tristan Mouradian
Campaign Director
Johnny for Congress

UPDATE: I mentioned above that if Congressman Adam Schiff or his campaign spoke to students the intentions would become clear. As I have discovered, three days prior to this post Adam Schiff spoke to welcome students at another local high school in the same district. Normally I’d say that is not an issue. However, with what transpired with our campaign and the administration, I fear now more than ever that we were not allowed to speak for reasons other than the ones we were told. Attached to this post is the image of Schiff at the school assembly.

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The current environment in America is rife with political discrimination and is not for the thinned skinned.  But Johnny was unscathed, saying “I’m taking these lemons and turning them into lemonade!”

To date this author has reached out to Clark Magnet High School and awaiting a reply.  This article will be updated when that is received.