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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Trump Hits Facebook and Amazon with Anti-Trust Bombshell

By Sophia Clifton

August 30, 2018 at 6:30pm

In an interview with Bloomberg, President Donald Trump stated that Facebook, Amazon and Google may be in a “very antitrust situation.”

Trump added that he could not “comment on the breaking up” of the three companies but his willingness to call them out has still spoken volumes.

The president has been very outspoken recently in his opinions of these major technology firms, especially in light of their apparent censorship of conservative views.

“Conservatives have been treated very unfairly,” Trump said. “I tell you there are some moments where we say, ‘Wow that really is bad, what they’re doing.'”

Trump claimed in a tweet on Tuesday that Google is censoring search results related to the topic of “Trump News,” arguing that the results listed are rigged toward left-leaning news sites.

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He also agreed that Google is “suppressing voices of Conservatives” and added “This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!”

Donald J. Trump


· Aug 28, 2018

Google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of....

Donald J. Trump


....results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!

8:02 AM - Aug 28, 2018

Trump’s statistic of “96%” appears to come from a study done by PJ Media analyst Paula Bolyard. When searching the word “Trump” on Google, she only came up with two conservative sites in the first 100 results that Google returned.

Google maintains its stance that it does not take political bias into account when ranking search results, but the data seems to speak otherwise — as Trump was quick to point out.

On Wednesday, Trump again called out the tech giant on Twitter, this time for promoting President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address each year on the Google homepage while allegedly ignoring Trump’s.

Donald J. Trump



1:55 PM - Aug 29, 2018

But Google is not the only tech company that is under the president’s scrutiny. Trump added that Facebook and Twitter, too, “are treading on very, very troubled territory.”

The Media Research Center released a poll on Wednesday that makes it pretty clear how fed up conservatives are becoming with Facebook’s alleged censorship.

According to the data, “one third (32%) of self-described conservative Facebook users have left or are considering leaving Facebook due to political censorship.”

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“Two-thirds (66%) of conservatives agreed they do not trust Facebook to treat its users equally regardless of their political beliefs,” the study added.

“Another two-thirds (65%) of self-described conservatives believe social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are purposely censoring conservatives and conservative ideas from their platforms,” the MRC concluded.

That is a lot of unhappy customers, and anyone who has even a speck of knowledge about good business practices knows that unhappy customers are a recipe for trouble — even for a social media giant as powerful as Facebook.

Brent Bozell, president of MRC, made a statement about the data:

“These trends should set off alarm bells at Facebook headquarters. They are bleeding a major customer base,” Bozell said. “The question Facebook and other social media companies need to ask themselves is this: Do you want to be seen as an open platform for all political beliefs or would you rather be considered a left-wing public interest group that censors free speech worldwide?”

“The latter will prove to be unbelievably costly. Censorship on social media is no longer a hypothetical; it’s reality. So too is the evidence that this censorship is pointing to a massive conservative exodus,” Bozell concluded.

Whether or not the government decides to get involved in this situation remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure: Trump is not a fan.

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Sophia Clifton

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Tags: Amazon, censorship, conservatives, Donald Trump, Facebook, free speech, Google, interview, social media, speech, technology, tweet, Twitter, YouTube

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