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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Prophecy watchers: Why are pope, Turk leader meeting over Jerusalem?

Of course they are, what do you expect from the pit of the AntiChrist Fire Starters  - this is NOT what real Christians will accept, ever…

Pope and Erdogan discuss Jerusalem, Mideast peace

…these two dominant world religions are apparently uniting together against Trump’s controversial Jerusalem decision.

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WASHINGTON – Two rock stars of biblical prophecy with divergent views of future world events sat down for a three-hour debate over whether Islam or the Vatican is going to rule the world leading to the cataclysmic war that results in the return of Jesus to straighten things out.

Then last week the pope welcomed to the Vatican an Islamic world leader attempting to re-establish the Caliphate – with himself in charge. Now they agree that the meeting of Pope Francis and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan could have world-shaking consequences – whoever is right.

Erdogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, said the future status of Jerusalem was high on the agenda and called for an end to racism, xenophobia, “Islamophobia” and discrimination.

The meeting has been hailed as promising “global peace.”

Taking notice of the unprecedented meeting in the Vatican between one of the world’s most powerful Islamic leaders and the head of the Catholic Church, two famous prophecy watchers – New York Times-bestselling author Joel Richardson and Bill Salus – believe the summit has “biblical significance” and potentially explosive political conseqences.

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Notably, both the pope and Erdogan have been vehement critics of President Trump’s Dec. 6 decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Now they are talking about forming a common agenda of peace, security and friendship.

While Richardson believes the biblical Antichrist will emerge from the Islamic world, Salus believes Rome is the future “Mystery Babylon” mentioned in the Bible.

But a friendly, three-hour debate between the pair has been captured on video – “The Identity of Mystery Babylon – Mecca or Rome?”

Representing nearly three-billion followers between them, these two dominant world religions are apparently uniting together against Trump’s controversial Jerusalem decision. Does this developing alliance between Turkey and the Vatican have potential biblical ramifications?

On that question, they agree it does.

Richardson is best known for his New York Times bestseller, “The Islamic Antichrist,” with his latest on “Mystery Babylon.” Salus have a rich body of work in film and print.