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Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Restoration of goddess of 'extra-marital relations' follows images of Athena, arch of Baal

Published: 3 hours ago


Experts in Israel are expressing concern that the United Nations’ goal is warping toward the promotion of idolatry after word was released that the organization is playing a key role in the image of a third pagan god – the goddess of “extra-marital relations.”

First it was part of the re-creation of the Roman triumphal arch that once welcomed travelers to the Temple of Baal.

Then it was the re-creation of a statue of the goddess Athena which once stood in Palmyra.

U.N. officials, and funding, have been insiders on each of those projects.

Joe Kovacs, author of “Shocked By The Bible 2,” says the whole sad spectacle is part of an old story.

“The promotion of pagan gods is certainly nothing new, and it again shows we’re all living in what I call ‘Opposite World,'” he explained. “It’s a world where most people do the very opposite action of what God has instructed. Our Creator tells us to have no other gods but Him, but folks do the opposite, honoring false gods.

“The Bible says Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived, built shrines to pagan gods such as Molech, a pagan god to whom people would burn their children alive in fires. It’s just sickening. Even God-fearing Christians today don’t realize they’re doing the very opposite of God’s instructions when they decorate trees with silver and gold and stand them up in their homes and churches every December. God personally says in the tenth chapter of Jeremiah not to do that precise heathen custom, and yet people have been tricked into decorating trees with all sorts of silver tinsel, gold garland and hanging ornaments, and they have no scriptural basis for it. For those interested in eternal life, we need to wake up and start obeying the instructions of our Maker, and stop all this pagan worthlessness.”

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Temple of Baal, Palmyra, Syria, prior to its destruction by ISIS

Temple of Baal, Palmyra, Syria, prior to its destruction by ISIS

Now Breaking Israel News confirms a third project is nearing completion, and it again has a theme of pagan gods, a point that has experts concerned.

BIN reported, “A UNESCO-funded project reproduced a statue of a lion, the third project of its kind the organization has supported, leading at least one rabbi to conclude that the real goal of the political organization is to promote an agenda that has always stood as Israel’s nemesis: idolatry.”

The report explains the third project is the Lion of al-Lat, an 11-foot-tall statue that was in the temple of “pre-Islamic goddess al-Lat in Palmyra, Syria,” which was damaged by ISIS.

The 15-ton statue later was moved to the National Museum of Damascus for reconstruction.

The report explains, “Part of the reconstruction of the lion statue was performed using high-intensity laser projection equipment adapted for large-scale 3-D printing in stone by the Institute for Digital Archaeology (IDA) in Oxford. Much of the Lion project was underwritten by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) through its Heritage Emergency Fund and by the European Union.”

There are several trains of thought regarding al-Lat.

“It has been conjectured that al-Lat was the pre-Islamic consort of the Arabian god Allah. Another theory is that al-Lat was used as a title for the goddesses Asherah and Athirat. It is believed al-Lat was the continuation of the earlier Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar Inanna; the goddess of sex and, in particular, extra-marital relations,” BIN said.

Rabbi Daniel Assur, of the Sanhedrin, which recently was reassembled in Israel, told BIN of the alarming sequence of events.

“The entire mission of the organization is to blur the differences between the nations in order to bring them all under one roof and one authority in a New World Order,” he said. “The truth is, as the Bible says, there are 70 distinct nations. The U.N. believes they can create nations out of thin air. Once they do that, they can say that there are many gods, even ones you can create by 3-D printing.”

He pointed out the U.N.’s long-standing and dominant anti-Israel bias. After all, it has voted to condemn the state of Israel more than all of the human rights offenders around the globe combined.

“Because Israel stands as proof of what a nation is and the concept of one God, the U.N. has a vendetta against Israel and is irrationally biased against us,” Rabbi Assur explained to BIN.

“They have a messianic vision of a unified government that will fix the world without God and without the Torah. This has always been the goal of idolatry, beginning with Egypt and continuing with the attempts of Rome and Greece to spread paganism across the world. Now we are seeing its modern manifestation.”

He warned, “The New World Order promotes that everything is one, genders are all the same, there are no borders between nations. They believe everything is one, except God.”

It was in December when it was learned the United Arab Emirates, the Italian mission to the United Nations and the Institute for Digital Archeology had re-created a statue of Athena.


A statue of Athena at the Louvre (public domain)

A statue of Athena at the Louvre (public domain)

She was also known as “Athena Promachos,” a war goddess, and the re-created statue features her holding a spear. The exhibit, titled “The Spirit In the Stone,” was being hosted at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.

The globalist organizations earlier honored the reconstructed “Arch of Baal,” which was taken on a world tour, including being placed outside the G7 meeting of the world’s industrialized nations.

“Most people today don’t realize how much of a hold ancient pagan beliefs, practices and images still have on their lives,” said Joseph Farah, author of “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age.” “In fact, pagan values and traditions have never left us. Even Jews and Christians are impacted by them. And they are not innocent because the gods of paganism are actually demons, according to the Bible. It’s not something to be played with.

“The question confronting us right now is: Why would the United Nations be involved in resurrecting these occult images and icons of the past? Do they not understand what this represents – the false gods of child sacrifice and all kinds of abominations and perversions?”

It’s the book that gives you tomorrow’s news today! Get your autographed copy of “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age.”

Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn, best known for his New York Times bestseller “The Harbinger,” earlier explained he believes this strange revival in the promotion of pagan gods has deep theological significance.

He noted Athena was associated with the Semitic mother goddess Asherah, whose shrines God commands to be destroyed in Deuteronomy 12. Cahn also claimed the goddess was sometimes merged with Ashtoreth, the consort of Baal in some traditions. Thus, there is a relationship between the new statue being displayed at the U.N. and the sinister arch which was displayed all over the world

“The reappearance of the gods is an amazing phenomenon,” he said. “Not long ago, the image of the Hindu god of destruction, Kali, appeared on the Empire State building. Then the Arch of the Temple of the god Baal was built in New York City. Recently, a massive idol of the god Shiva was displayed on the Washington Mall along with that of a seven-headed dragon. And now the idol of Athena appears in the United Nations.

“The mystery of ‘The Paradigm’ and ‘The Harbinger’ is that what transpired in the last days of ancient Israel before its judgment is now manifesting before our eyes. We are replaying an ancient judgment cycle. One of the manifestations that took place in ancient Israel before its destruction was the appearance throughout the land of the gods, their idols, their altars, their images. That the images of the gods are now manifesting throughout America is an ominous sign. We are replaying the judgment drama.

“When Israel turned away from God, it turned to false gods and idols. So when a nation that has once known God turns away from Him, it always turns to other gods. It may not call them gods or idols, but the reality is the same. America was founded on the word of God. And inasmuch as it followed the ways of God, it has been blessed above any other nation in the modern world. But inasmuch as it has turned from its God and His ways, it has turned to other gods and idols. And unless it turns back, unless it sees revival, it will progress to judgment.”

WND also recently reported that an event called the Catharsis on the Mall featured elements of devil worship on the National Mall in Washington.

There appeared representations of “Lord Shiva Natarja,” a Hindu god appearing as a dragon and representing Satan.