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NESARA Ad Trucks
Washingoton D.C.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

GOP: “Wake up!” – Your Failures Threaten the Republic! Sebastian Gorka UNLOADS on Clueless

January 25, 2018 by Jim Hoft

There is a massive scandal brewing on Capitol Hill – And this scandal is REAL – not fake news.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) prepared a four-page explosive memo recently, based on classified material that purportedly lays out what the FBI and others did to corrupt the 2016 election.

According to Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) and others, the memo is “deeply disturbing.”

The memo needs to be released to the public.
The US public has a right to know about the entrenched corruption in the FBI.
Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) huddled together Saturday to discuss a “never-before-used procedure” for releasing the “shocking” FISA abuse memo.

On Thursday night deputy assistant to US President Donald Trump Sebastian Gorka lashed out at the AWOL GOP.

Sebastian Gorka: Wake up @GOP:
You have the evidence of political conspiracy targeting @realDonaldTrump & his team using the @FBI & @TheJusticeDept.
If you don’t release the Memo NOW the Democrats will defuse & spin.
Your failure to do Strategic Comms threatens the Republic.

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Sebastian Gorka DrG


Wake up @GOP:
You have the evidence of political conspiracy targeting @realDonaldTrump & his team using the @FBI & @TheJusticeDept.
If you don’t release the Memo NOW the Democrats will defuse & spin.
Your failure to do Strategic Comms threatens the Republic.

10:15 AM - Jan 25, 2018

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Gorka is right. The GOP needs to wake up to save the republic. If Trump falls the country falls to the fascist left.

And Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to climb out from under his desk and quit acting like a scared little boy.
Or he needs to resign.