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NESARA Ad Trucks
Washingoton D.C.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Leaked documents purport to show detailed plan to trigger nationwide unrest allowing Obama to declare martial law in 2015 - JANUARY 10, 2018 343 Comments

Documents Detail Plan for Civil Unrest and Martial Law in Baltimore

Documents posted to 4chan appear to detail a Soros-backed plan to incite civil unrest in the Baltimore area and reveals coordination with Baltimore law enforcement.

Internal documents appearing to belong to Friends of Democracy – George Soros’ son’s activist group – describe an acceleration of civil unrest to justify the rollout of martial law nationwide.

According to the docs, the group sought to use the protests over the death of Freddie Gray as a detonator for larger violent demonstrations in the Baltimore area.

Watch: Alex Jones discusses the origin of the documents with Infowars’ Harrison Smith and Roger Stone.

“Do not worry about violent action, we have secured limited protections from friendly BWI officials and LE to permit some aggressive activity,” the memo states.

Dates mentioned in the documents, Saturday April 18, 2015 and April 25, coincide with Baltimore riot dates.

The organization also points out an “ideal post-action objective” would be “civil unrest that leads to deployment of martial law-like policies for BWI, creating a feedback loop.” In other words, a domino effect that would spread nationwide.

Events described in the documents have actually been observed nationwide by Antifa and from other Soros-funded orgs.

For example, in 2013 Judicial Watch revealed the Obama Justice Department was caught staging protests in Florida following the death of Trayvon Martin.

A full-page ad in the New York Times last November, secured by the George Soros-backed Refuse Fascism, similarly called for a “revolution” to upend the Trump/Pence regime.

If the documents are real, they would be damning evidence of collusion between far-left terrorist groups and law enforcement.