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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bwahhhahaha #NoToTheO

White House to Oprah: Bring It On!

'We welcome the challenge, whether it be Oprah Winfrey or anybody else.'

By Adan Salazar | Monday, January 08, 2018

President Trump welcomes a potential Oprah Winfrey challenge, a White House aide said Monday.

Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, Deputy White House Press Secretary Hogan Gidley addressed rumors of a 2020 Winfrey presidential challenge following her Sunday speech at the Golden Globes.

“We welcome the challenge, whether it be Oprah Winfrey or anybody else,” Gidley stated.

Gidley was asked if the White House had a response to Oprah’s speech, in which she addressed the “Me too” movement in Hollywood.

“No, other than to say that regardless of who’s on the ballot, regardless who decides to run against this President, they are going to have to face a President who has record-setting achievements in record-setting time, whether it’s an economy that is booming, job creation, historic tax cuts and tax reform when that hadn’t been touched in 30 years, an increase in wages, an absolute decimation of ISIS in Iraq and Syria,” Gidley said.

Winfrey’s name was thrown into the ring after her speech prompted NBC to issue a now-deleted tweet proclaiming her “OUR future president.”

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Donald Trump Jr.


Replying to @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump

Strange. Seems that @nbc took down there tweet. In case you missed it here it is.

7:49 AM - Jan 8, 2018

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