NESARA Ad Trucks

NESARA Ad Trucks
Washingoton D.C.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thomas Wictor on Twitter: "One of the most transparent frauds I've seen in a long time. A Trump-hater's cartoon version of Trump supporters."

Thomas Wictor on Twitter: "(1) Fake hate mail from @bethfukumoto. She blames Trump, of course."

This traitor resigned from the Republican Party to actually become the ENEMY because she believes Donald J. Trump to be a racist.  And what of this fake letter she claims she got because she came out in an article that she was in-sensed by the MSM's fake narrative of White Nationalism, but yet it was sent from her own office? This chick smells rotten beginning to end. She certainly cannot be trusted to hold an oath of office let alone have any loyalty to anybody except herself.  She is shameful and the DemoRats can keep her, she's right where she belongs. Click the picture/link to see the entire feed of the many holes in her story.