NESARA Ad Trucks

NESARA Ad Trucks
Washingoton D.C.


Friday, July 29, 2016

Federal Prosecutors Say Hate Crime Defendant's Confederate Flag Tattoo Is “Indicative Of White Supremacy”

This is a smoking gun - the caveat, the tool used to keep chipping away at your right not to be judged let alone charged a crime for your beliefs. If the act is proven criminal, charge accordingly. It is not a crime to have tattoos on your body but that is exactly why Loretta Lynch commandeered this "particular" smoking gun case to "further" the cause of spurring more racial divisiveness, erasing any remnant of what constitutional justice should be adhered to and putting in its place another presidence, regulation or law to remove your freedom of speech, the right to do with your body whatever you want, your individuality and a major stepping stone to remove ALL FORMS OF SELF DEFENSE from Americans They call it gun control or political correctness but what this really is a conditioning and brain washing generation after generation to eradicate the Bill Of Rights, and you as a person rendering you part of the whole and treated as such, one unconstitutional act after another while you aren’t paying attention. Quick LOOK over here Pokemon Go! When the baby boomers are gone you people are on your own!