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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Google Exec Behind Ingestible ID Chips to Attend Bilderberg 2015

Former DARPA director Regina Dugan to discuss artificial intelligence with global power brokers

Paul Joseph Watson
June 8, 2015

Former DARPA director and now Google executive Regina Dugan, who is helping to develop and promote the idea of an ingestible identification microchip, will be in attendance at the secretive 2015 Bilderberg conference in Telfs-Buchen, Austria.

Dugan’s name appeared on the official list of participants released today on the Bilderberg Group’s official website. One of the topics up for discussion will be “artificial intelligence.” Google Chairman Erich Schmidt along with Demis Hassabis, Vice President of Engineering for Google DeepMind, will also meet with over 100 global power brokers from finance, politics and academia during the elitist confab.

Dugan told an audience at the 2013 All Things D11 Conference that the company was working on a microchip inside a pill that users would swallow daily in order obtain the “superpower” of having their entire body act as a biological authentication system for cellphones, cars, doors and other devices.

“This pill has a small chip inside of it with a switch,” said Dugan. “It also has what amounts to an inside out potato battery. When you swallow it, the acids in your stomach serve as the electrolyte and that powers it up. And the switch goes on and off and creates an 18 bit ECG wide signal in your body and essentially your entire body becomes your authentication token.”

Dugan added that the chip had already been FDA approved and could be taken 30 times a day for someone’s entire life without affecting their health.

Dugan’s former position as director of DARPA, which many see as the leading force in a malevolent move towards a Big Brother surveillance society, is sure to stoke even more concern amongst privacy advocates.

“What in the world does Google have planned that it’s hiring military leadership?” asked The Wire’s Adam Clark Estes, noting that her appointment illustrated Google’s “tight connections with military leadership.”

DARPA has also been developing brain chips that will implant or remove specific memories from a subject, heralding the beginning of a “golden age” where minds could be manipulated to function better.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk caused consternation last month when he expressed his fear that Google cofounder Larry Page will be responsible for creating artificial technology that could eventually rise up and destroy humankind.

“I’m really worried about this,” Musk is quoted as saying in his recently released biography, remarking, “He could produce something evil by accident.”

I will be joining Infowars’ Rob Dew and Josh Owens to cover the Bilderberg conference this week. Dew and Owens received a friendly welcome when they tried to drive towards the luxury Interalpen Hotel – a police checkpoint and an impromptu inspection of their vehicle. will have full detailed coverage of Bilderberg’s 2015 agenda throughout the week.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

This article was posted: Monday, June 8, 2015 at 7:22 am