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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Austrian Federal Police Searching For Infowars Reporters

Cops visited reporters’ hotel, inquired about YouTube videos

Paul Joseph Watson
June 9, 2015

Federal police in Austria are demanding to speak to Infowars reporter Rob Dew about YouTube videos which show police questioning Dew and cameraman Josh Owens near the site of the 2015 Bilderberg conference.

As we reported yesterday, Dew and Owens were stopped at a police checkpoint near their hotel and had their vehicle searched. Police later visited the pair at the hotel to interrogate them further.

Dew got a call earlier today from the hotel manager informing him that the federal police wanted to speak to Dew about videos that were uploaded to YouTube showing their encounters with police.

The manager also said that the police wanted to check Dew’s passport again. When Dew asked if the police that were looking for him were the ones parked nearby his hotel, the manager said they were from Austria’s equivalent of the FBI.

This suggests that the authorities looking for Dew could be from Cobra, Austria’s elite anti-terror unit that is providing security for Bilderberg 2015.

An unprecedented police operation is now in full swing surrounding the luxury Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol where the Bilderberg Group meeting begins on Thursday.

Check back later for further updates when Dew meets with federal authorities later today.

Infowars will be providing full coverage of Bilderberg 2015 throughout the week.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

This article was posted: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 11:02 am