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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Amazon Bans Sale of Confederate Gear, But Nazi Memorabilia Freely Available


Paul Joseph Watson | Swastika knives, swords & signs all available for purchase.

Paul Joseph Watson
June 24, 2015 has banned sales of products featuring the Confederate flag in response to last week’s Charleston massacre, but items featuring the Nazi swastika and the Communist hammer and sickle remain freely available.

The retailer moved to satiate the demands of perpetually offended leftist mobs by removing Confederate gear from its online inventory, but you’ll have no problem purchasing symbols that are intrinsically linked with the slaughter of tens of millions of people.

Here’s just a sample of what is available to purchase right now on;

Swastika-emblazoned knifes.

Nazi SS-emblazoned swords.

Swastika-themed phone cases.

Nazi Eagle necklaces.

Nazi-themed metal signs.

Swastika pendants.

Hammer & Sickle t-shirts.

Hammer & Sickle flags.

Lenin Hammer & Sickle propaganda posters.

“Helpful reminder — Communism led to the deaths of 94 million people world-wide within a hundred years. That’s approximately 93,999,991 more murders than a drug-addled, fatherless loser committed in Charleston,” points out Breitbart’s Katie McHugh.

This once again reminds us that efforts to ban the Confederate flag have little to do with racial sensitivity and everything to do with cynical political opportunism.

As Rush Limbaugh highlighted on his show yesterday, censorship of the Confederate flag is about undermining “the last remaining Republican electoral stronghold in terms of presidential politics” in the south.

As we reported earlier, some on the left are even suggesting that statues of America’s founding fathers should be torn down because people like Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

This article was posted: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 9:50 am

Amazon Bans Sale of Confederate Gear, But Nazi Memorabilia Freely Available
Wed, 24 Jun 2015 14:50:16 GMT