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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

500 Euro Fine Or 2 Weeks In Prison For Entering Giant Bilderberg “Security Zone”

Video and audio banned; Complete tyranny in place for secret elite meeting

Steve Watson June 10, 2015

Austrian media is reporting that a huge security zone has been drawn up around the hotel where the Bilderberg Group are meeting this weekend, and that anyone who enters the designated area will be thrown in jail for a fortnight, or subjected to a 500 euro ($565) fine.

The report from Austrian newspaper Tiroler Tageszeitung, notes that a “court ban” has been secured around the exclusive Interalpen-Hotel in Telfs, ensuring that over 130 heads of finance, government and the corporate world are able to meet in total secrecy.

Police have released a map of the security zone, which covers the entire hotel grounds as well as the main road and trails leading up to the venue from the small town of Buchen.

The ban on entering the zone came into force yesterday, 9th June, at midday, and ends on June 14th at midnight, after the Bilderbergers have left.

The provincial government announced the security zone in a press release, noting that the regulation could be repealed prematurely if police determine there is no threat to the gathered luminaries.

The ban also extends to video and audio recordings made within and around the area, according to the press release.

This explains why police have been harassing InfoWars reporters regarding “videos uploaded to YouTube.”

A 30 mile no-fly zone has also been enacted around the area, extending to drones, planes, paragliders and hang gliders.

Special police forces have been called in to operate security during the gathering. Known asCOBRA, the forces are Austria’s primary counter-terrorism special operations tactical unit. and are not part of the Austrian Federal Police but are directly under the control of the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

The G7 summit is also taking place in the area, prompting Germany to reimpose long discarded land border controls, and a tightening of road, rail and air travel checks.

Clearly the Bilderberg elitists do not want a repeat of the past couple of years where reporters have been able to get right up to the grounds of their chosen venue.

Last year in Copenhagen, several Bilderbergers were followed when leaving the hotel to go jogging.

In 2011 in St. Moritz, Switzerland, reporters were even able to follow Bilderberg members as they briefly ventured out on a mountain trail walk.

The no-go zone in Austria means that the alternative media will not be able to even glimpse the power-brokers without facing jail time. Given that several attendees are government representatives, and that the security operation is taxpayer funded, this is a completely egregious procedure which betrays the elitist arrogance and tyrannical nature of Bilderberg.


Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

This article was posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 8:06 am