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Saturday, May 16, 2015

WIFI – Why not?


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By Peter Paul Parker
When I first discovered the detrimental effects of WIFI on human beings, and how our governments have been so apathetic to do anything about this problem, it inspired me to write the article below.
This article was kindly reproduced by Activist Post, as well as many other alternative sites as it really does go into the problems we face with WIFI. At the Ministry of Health we are also running a ‘Get WIFI out of schools campaign’, where we are urging parents to broach this subject with their children’s head teachers. We are just one organisation out of a small number that are trying to get more public awareness of this issue Are we suffering from the boiling frog syndrome? Are we starting to see this coming into fruition now in America? Recently there was an article published in the Huffington Post where the poorest people in the Detroit area found that their telomeres are being affected for many different reasons, one of them being stress. Could this be linked to the wireless technology that we are seeing being implemented at the rate of knots throughout our habitable areas?
It has been shown in the Bio Initiative Report that WIFI does indeed fragment the DNA and, therefore, through my layman’s eyes, it must have a contribution to the detrimental effects happening to DNA of the poorest in Detroit.
The best solution to WIFI and mobile phone EMFs is to stop being exposed to it, but there are other ways to lessen the effects, as pointed out in this article. Green tea, obviously without fluoride added to it, and Vitamin D are two ways of combating the attack on your telomeres. But, as I stated, the best way of avoiding the harmful effects is to keep it away from you, where possible. Low-level EMFs have been shown to be more harmful in some of the experiments performed on this technology.

Meditation is also useful for repairing your DNA. We are human beings, not human doings. The stressful way that we live today is so damaging to our health, that meditation will help you move into the healing zone where your body naturally wants to be, and away from all the stresses and strains life has to offer. It is a way of turning off the mind and focusing on the inner peace, where we all naturally sit. This is the place where we all have a commonality, but so few are finding it still in the Western world. This is the place where we can see each other’s differences and learn to work together for a better world. This is already happening, but we all must be active in the change. Moving harmful technologies away from us is the start of the healing process if we are to pass a world that we can all be proud of on to our children. Here is a good article on meditation and the healing effects it has.
The Telegraph newspaper has just published an article reiterating all the problems WIFI and mobile phones give to us. Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, together with Professor Olle Johansen and, have all contributed to an excellent article that is spelling out the dangers of WIFI and mobile phones. Brain tumours have taken over from leukemia as the most common cause of cancer in children. There has also been a fivefold increase in the risk of glioma, which is a form of brain tumour, for those using mobile phones under the age of twenty. Gliomas have been recognised by the World Health Organisation as being linked to mobile phone usage. 
WIFI is also linked to the increase of childhood obesity, and here we have another interesting article about health problems and strokes. We are getting sicker and sicker as a species, and I believe there are many factors causing this. Could WIFI be partly responsible for the rise in strokes, especially in the younger generations? Any stress on the body can manifest in many different ways. This could be the heart. These are all very alarming occurrences we all must start taking notice of.
People must start engaging their politicians with their outrage at the lack of precautionary care over this matter. Here is the list of the Ministers who are part of the Health Department of the Government. If enough people write to them, they have to start to take notice. The sooner the better, as this problem needs to be addressed before more innocent people are hurt. Here are the addresses below.
The WIFI campaign that the Ministry of Health is running is pointing the blame at the head teachers, where we have designed a notice to send them. Insurance companies and the Government have washed their hands of this issue. So, therefore, it is down to all of us to stop being so apathetic and engage with these Ministers. If you need any help in putting a letter together, please feel free to write to the Ministry of Health at the below link, and we will be more than happy to put a letter together for you. We want health and well-being for all, as you can see from the opening statement on our website.
Here is the WIFI campaign we are currently running.
Turn off your mobile phone. Don’t hold it up to your head. Use the loud speaker function. When carrying it near the body, at the very least put it onto flight mode. There is an advertising slogan being used by Vodafone that says ‘Live life with 4G.’ You may be able to get superfast Internet access on your mobile phone, but how long will the life that you live last being exposed to this radiation? It is a lottery as no one truly knows how dangerous this actually is. All the independent research, which is so hard to get funding for, is screaming out to all of us saying ‘STOP USING THIS TECHNOLOGY’. Are you going to heed the warning? I do hope for your health and well-being that you do turn off all wireless technology around you.
So it begs the question – WIFI, why not? There are many reasons why we shouldn’t be using this hazardous technology, especially with regard to our children. It is time to get active, and we wish you all the best in the push to get WIFI out of our schools. And just think, you may be the one who makes the difference. Now wouldn’t that be something.
Related Activist Post Article:
34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Health Effects From Wi-Fi

Peter Paul Parker has been a musician for most his career. He started as a bass player and moved onto become a producer and writer of songs and music. Peter has also  now moved into the health arena and is a Bach flower practitioner, a Vegetarian and dietary consultant and part responsible for setting up the Ministry of Health. Peter is an activist in the UK with the Committee of 100 who are setting up alternative government, and is a blogger highlighting the troubles our world faces. He has also written the album Anahata recently as an expression of love for his new awakening.

WIFI – Why not?
Fri, 15 May 2015 15:08:00 GMT