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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Atlanta to Become a “Welcoming City” to Illegal Immigrants

Posted on May 16, 2015 by The Common Constitutionalist


Last week, WND reported that, on April 23, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed signed an agreement with U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS), making Atlanta a “welcoming city.”

“Reed became the nation’s fourth mayor to embrace the White House push to roll out thewelcome mat for new immigrants and refugees and remove barriers to citizenship. Critics say the program has little to do with creating new citizens and everything to do with creating new Democrat voters.”

Yet, is that not one in the same? Does not the conventional wisdom dictate that these new legal residents will be democrats as a rule? Come to America – settle in one of our “welcoming cities.” We’ll give you free housing, food, schooling, etc. Of course, none of it is really free, but you don’t have to worry about those pesky details. The city will just raise everyone’s taxes to pay for you. In exchange, all you have to do is register as a democrat and vote as you’re told, when you’re told.

Oh, and don’t worry about any possible backlash from the current city residents. After all, they were stupid enough to elect us.

The three other Mayors who already signed similar deals signed are Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, and Karl Dean of Nashville.

Okay – I get Chicago and Los Angeles, but Nashville? Has Nashville always been liberal, or is it just a recent phenomenon. I guess that’s irrelevant, being that it evidently is now.

“Reed told the AJC [Atlanta Journal Constitution] those governors and mayors who don’t welcome refugees and immigrants will eventually be seen as having been ‘on the wrong side of history’ and ‘they’re also on the wrong side of the economy.'”

“City spokeswoman Melissa Mullinax told WND that Reed began working with Welcoming America more than a year ago,” in preparation for the signing.

“Welcoming America is headed by David Lubell, a close associate of President Obama who met with the president when he announced his executive amnesty plans in Nashville last November. Lubell’s group was hatched in 2010 with $150,000 in seed money from billionaire George Soros and is now flush with federal grants,” writes WND.

Okay, I was mistaken. Instead of just these cities fitting the bill, it will be all of us paying these hard working families to settle here. Silly me, thinking Obama wouldn’t spread the misery equally.

Speaking of “the wrong side of the economy” and hard working families who come here just looking for an opportunity to live the American dream—what will they do when they settle into their new adopted home cities?

Let’s take a quick look at the employment situation in Atlanta. In September 2014, it was determined that the state of Georgia had the highest unemployment rate in the nation, at 8.1%. Now we all know that 8.1% isn’t the real number. If 8.1% is the published number, it’s really in double digits—probably at least 13-14%.

In February 2015, the rate for Atlanta was said to have dropped to 7.1%, the same as Chicago. This number is also nowhere close to the real unemployment rate.

In 2011, reported that the black unemployment rate for Atlanta was 24.1%. Considering what we know of the Obama economic recovery, do we think it’s dropped considerably in four years, if at all?

So this jerk Mayor of Atlanta, along with his compatriots, has signed on to a plan to bring more poor, unemployed people to his city, where the unemployment rate is already ridiculously high, to compete for the few low wage/low skilled jobs which are available?

That’s really looking out for “your people,” Mr. Mayor. But just like the political whores in Washington, what should we expect from a party-man who will sell his current constituency down the river in favor of a new permanent voting block?

Brent, aka The Common Constitutionalist, is a Constitutional Conservative, and advocates for first principles, founders original intent and enemy of progressives. As well as publisher of the Common Constitutional blog, he also is a contributing writer for Political Outcast, Godfather Politics, Minute Men News (Liberty Alliance) and Free Republic.

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost.


Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed

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Atlanta to Become a “Welcoming City” to Illegal Immigrants
The Common Constitutionalist
Sat, 16 May 2015 17:54:14 GMT